WCIEC Organisation wrapped up the year with festive cheer as it hosted a joyous Christmas and New Year party for its dedicated staff members. Amidst the backdrop of its pivotal role in facilitating medical admissions to renowned universities in Kyrgyzstan, WCIEC took a moment to celebrate the hard work and commitment of its team. The...
Celebrating the spirit of freedom and unity, Jalal-Abad State University rejoices in the vibrant hues of India’s 77th Independence Day! Amidst the picturesque backdrop of our JASU campus, we stand together, commemorating the valor of those who paved the way for our nation’s progress. As we cherish the diverse culture that binds us, let this...
Today, the spirit of Pakistan’s Independence Day illuminated the Jalal Abad State University (JASU)campus! With pride and unity, we celebrated this historic day through flag hoisting, cultural performances, and a shared sense of patriotism. The vibrant festivities showcased the strong bond between our students and the ideals that the nation stands for. Let’s continue to...
WCIEC had the privilege of organizing a highly informative and enlightening MBBS Guidance Seminar today in Hyderabad along Dreams Consultancy. We were honored to host Dr. Kenzhekulov Kubanychbek vice dean of Jalal-Abad State University named after B.Osmonov an esteemed representatives from Kyrgyzstan, who provided invaluable insights into pursuing MBBS studies in renowned university Jalal-Abad State...
Attention all aspiring medical students and concerned parents! WCIEC had the privilege of organizing a highly informative and enlightening MBBS Guidance Seminar today in Raipur along with Kyrgyzstan Admission Center (KAC). We were honored to host Dr. Kenzhekulov Kubanychbek vice dean of Jalal-Abad State University named after B.Osmonov and Alieva Chynara vice dean of Osh...
Exciting News! We are thrilled to share that during our MBBS guidance seminar held in Chennai, a student just secured a spot admission at the prestigious Jalal-Abad State University in Kyrgyzstan! This success story is a testament to our commitment in guiding aspiring medical students towards their dreams of pursuing a career in medicine. If...
Attention all aspiring medical students and concerned parents! WCIEC had the privilege of organizing a highly informative and enlightening MBBS Guidance Seminar today in Chandpur. We were honored to host Dr. Kenzhekulov Kubanychbek, an esteemed representative from Kyrgyzstan, who provided invaluable insights into pursuing MBBS studies in renowned universities such as Jalal-Abad State University (JASU),...
Exciting News! WCIEC successfully conducted a spot admission event on 4th June in Vizag, and we are thrilled to announce the opportunity to study at Jalal-Abad State University in Kyrgyzstan. Our team was overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response and the passion of aspiring medical students who attended the event. Congratulations to all those who secured...
Congratulations Graduates 2018-2023 Batch from Osh State University International Medical Faculty. On this accomplishment! This is a historic moment to have the privilege to be in medicine, with all of its heartache and all of its uplifting moments as well. Go forth and put your skills and passions to work caring for your patients and...
Osh International Medical University | Date:15.04.2023 – Saturday Comprehensive practical class about OSTEOLOGY related to following aspects were discussed among first (1st) year students of OIMU. Bone growth Development Bone and its types Skeleton and its types Parts of a bone along with attachment of muscles Bone marrow (red and yellow) Ligaments Joints and its...